Proposed Amendment to Provincial Mines Act and Other Relevant Articles of Legislation


Whereas under the current legislation, a mining operation may be established within or near municipal boundaries which can have negative impact on environmental and economic conditions as well as the physical and social health of established communities; And whereas proposed major mines, major expansions and upgrades to existing mines, and some large-scale exploration and development projects require approval under various articles of federal and provincial legislation, including but not limited to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, the Mines Act of BC, and the Mineral Tenure Act: Therefore be it resolved that the UBCM lobby the BC Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources and the BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy to amend the Mines Act of BC and any other relevant articles of legislation to require approval, on future projects within 10 km of the municipal boundaries of established communities, by those local governments.

Convention Decision
Not Endorsed