Moratorium on Hydraulic Fracking

North Saanich

Whereas seventy percent of Canadians support a national moratorium on hydraulic fracturing fracking for natural gas until it is scientifically proven to be safe; And whereas research has proved that in recent years fracking operations have caused a number of earthquakes of magnitude 4.0 or larger in British Columbia and Alberta; And whereas more study is needed regarding the effects on public health, wildlife, and ecosystems of several hundred chemicals used in the hydraulic fracturing process; And whereas several of Canadas provinces and territories do not permit fracking due primarily to strong public opposition regarding groundwater contamination from fracking chemicals, serious risks to public health, and aquifer depletions from usage of millions of liters of water in the fracking process; And whereas Supreme Court decisions have affirmed the Crowns obligation to consult meaningfully on proposed energy projects which could impact British Columbias First Nations treaty rights and traditional ways of life, and these consultations have been incomplete or at times absent: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM petition the Province to place a moratorium on any additional fracking wells and to actively promote conversion to alternative green energy development.

Convention Decision
Not Endorsed