Protection of Native West Coast Salmon


Whereas British Columbias native west coast wild salmon can be negatively impacted by commercial salmon farms due to increased levels of diseases and parasites from farmed salmon; degradation of their genetic makeup through interbreeding with escaped farmed salmon; and ecological competition with escaped farmed salmon: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urge the Province of British Columbia to enact legislation that would protect British Columbias wild salmon stock from the negative impacts of commercial salmon farms.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Agriculture The Federal Government, through Fisheries and Oceans Canada DFO, holds primary jurisdiction over the conservation and protection of fish and fish habitat, and for the management of marine fisheries and aquaculture in B.C. B.C., through the Ministry of Agriculture, other provincial agencies and DFO, continues to work on a variety of initiatives that support the restoration and conservation of wild Pacific salmon and the impacts from salmon farms. In June 2018, B.C. launched the Wild Salmon Advisory Council WSAC, a multi-stakeholder advisory council that is assisting in the development of a strategy to support restoring healthy and abundant wild salmon stocks in B.C. The focus of the strategy development is the restoration and enhancement of wild salmon populations, sustainable fisheries management and stewardship opportunities, and new economic development opportunities to assist viable and sustainable community-based fisheries. The WSAC report was released on October 11, 2018 and forms the basis of upcoming public consultations. B.C. recently announced a new policy on the issuance of salmon farm tenures. Effective June 2022, the Province will only grant Land Act tenures to fish farm operators who have satisfied the DFO that their operations will not adversely impact wild salmon stocks and who have negotiated agreements with the First Nations in whose territory they propose to operate. On December 14, 2018, B.C. also announced that a ground-breaking government-to-government process has delivered recommendations that will protect and restore wild salmon stocks, allow an orderly transition plan for open-pen finfish for the Broughton Archipelago and create a more sustainable future for local communities and workers. Additional initiatives underway include implementation of the Minister of Agricultures Advisory Council on Finfish Aquaculture recommendations, development of a B.C. Salmon Restoration and Innovation Fund in concert with DFO and working closely with our federal aquaculture counterparts on improving the environmental and social sustainability of the industry.

Convention Decision