Provincial Financial Support During a State of Emergency

Cariboo RD

Whereas fighting wildfires is the responsibility of the provincial government; And whereas local fire departments and search and rescue teams are critical in fighting large scale wildfires during a declared State of Emergency: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the provincial government to enact any legislative andor policy changes necessary to ensure that local emergency organizations that are requested to and do assist during a declared State of Emergency receive timely compensation for their time and supplies used assisting the Province in this manner.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General The Province appreciates the efforts of local emergency organizations that assist during a declared State of Emergency, recognizing the financial impact this mobilization can have on these organizations. The Province has implemented and will continue to implement improvements for payment processes and tools to support more timely compensation. Demonstrated actions include: - Working with the BC Wildfire Service, a key partner in processing claims, to improve communication and payment processes, Emergency Management BC has been able to improve the claims review and payment process; - Following the 2017 wildfire season, Emergency Management BCs Office of the Fire Commissioner, attended the annual Local Government Financial Officers conference and provided training using best practices for the generation of reimbursement claims to the Province; and - Obtaining additional temporary resources to process the significant volume of claims and invoices during a disaster in order for Emergency Management BC to meet its obligation to make payment within 30 days of receipt of invoices, or proof of goods or services received.

Convention Decision