Watershed Governance Model

Sunshine Coast RD

Whereas UBCM has consistently advocated for providing water purveyors with greater control over the watersheds that provide drinking water to their communities; And whereas an integrated watershed governance approach that recognizes indigenous water rights and utilizes a collaborative, consensus building approach to decision making could provide a model that addresses community needs while balancing the resource and capacity limitations experienced by local governments and First Nations: Therefore be it resolved that the Province recognize and support local watershed collaborative governance entities and adequately resource these entities.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy Under the Water Sustainability Act WSA, Cabinet may make regulations authorizing other persons or entities to carry out specified powers and duties related to water management. These powers and duties are limited to those of the comptroller, water manager, engineer or officer. Any regulations related to decision making powers would specify the person or entity that would make such decisions, the conditions supporting the decisions to be made, and the watershed where such decisions would be made. Other WSA tools that enable local participation in watershed management include the establishment of advisory boards under s.115 and the designation of a responsible person for the development of a water sustainability plan WSP under s.661. WSP development is collaborative in nature and can be led by local individuals or groups outside the provincial government, including a Local or Indigenous Government. A completed WSP can affect how land is managed within the specified watershed. Implementation of the WSA is ongoing and is being phased over time. Opportunities to engage Local and Indigenous Governments leadership in water management will be explored. A pilot in the Nicola watershed will test governance tools, including potentially water objectives and watershed planning. The experience and knowledge gained are expected to inform policy, regulations and future projects, including future WSPs.

Convention Decision