Seniors Housing


Whereas the lack of appropriate affordable seniors housing, in resource based communities in BC makes it extremely difficult for seniors to age at home or access to intermediate senior housing; And whereas access to safe, affordable and appropriate Seniors housing helps to create vibrant, sustainable communities: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urge the provincial and federal governments to work with community partners to develop solutions for the lack of seniors housing and to provide the necessary long-term funding to support the construction of a full range of affordable seniors housing choices in British Columbia.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing The Government of British Columbia recognizes that people want to age and live in the communities they are connected to and have helped build. The Province is investing in new housing options for British Columbians through various funding initiatives. One of these is the Building BC: Community Housing Fund, an investment of close to 1.9 billion over 10 years to develop 14,350 units of mixed-income, affordable rental housing for independent families and seniors. BC Housing works with non-profit organizations, housing co-operatives and local governments to create new housing projects through the Request for Proposals process for funding approval. Recognizing the challenges that smaller and rural communities may face, BC Housing offers them assistance in developing their proposals. As well, we have created the HousingHub to increase the supply of affordable housing. The goal of this new office is to identify and advance innovative approaches to create affordable homesboth for rent and for purchasein the communities that need them most. The HousingHub office works with non-profits and private developers, faith groups, property owners, federal and local governments, and Indigenous partners to locate, use, or repurpose land in communities where affordability is an issue. Provincial land will also be designated for some projects. Communities are encouraged to connect with BC Housing to discuss these and other programs that could help to address local housing issues.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended