BC Conservation Services


Whereas the provincial government is responsible for managing conservation service, with underfunding having a negative impact on the ability of the BC Conservation Officer Service to meet the needs of the communities served; And whereas the British Columbia Conservation Officer Service has not been able to adequately address public safety, focus on natural resource law enforcement, off road vehicle enforcement, illegal dumping, human wildlife conflicts prevention, or respond to wildlife human conflict: Therefore be it resolved that the provincial government be required to provide adequate funding, offices and staffing to fully support the BC Conservation Officer Service to be more active and proactive in effectively managing conservation services.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy The B.C. government recognizes the need for additional conservation officers to help protect the provinces natural resources and lessen human-wildlife conflicts. In April 2018, the Province announced the addition of 20 new conservation officers, which included 12 new positions being added to locations with the highest need. The 12 new positions were made available due to additional funding in the 201819 budget. The Conservation Officer Service uses the zone deployment model to increase effectiveness. This model enables conservation officers to work remotely from their patrol vehicles and provide response anywhere in the zone depending on the priority of the call.

Convention Decision