EPR for Agriculture Plastics

NCLGA Executive

Whereas agriculture plastic is currently disposed of as solid waste in landfills, or by burning and burying on site, resulting in decreased landfill capacity or air and environmental pollution; And whereas local governments are working to reduce waste to landfills, and producers of agriculture plastic should be responsible for its disposal: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the province establish a regionally based Extended Producer Responsibility Stewardship program for agricultural plastics.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy The Ministry appreciates local government support of the Recycling Regulation the regulation and the desire to expand the regulation to include agriculture plastics. This regulation is an important part of BCs work towards zero waste and supporting a circular economy. B.C. is proud to be a leader in North America with more EPR programs with higher capture rates than any other North American jurisdiction. The Ministry has been focused on pursuing continuous improvement with our 22 existing EPR programs, and will consider expanding B.C.s EPR programs as part of our commitment to the Canadian Council of Ministers of Environment Canada-Wide Action Plan for Extended Producer Responsibility. Industrial, commercial and institutional ICI packaging, which would include agriculture plastics, is identified in the CAP-EPR as a material to be considered for inclusion in the future. Local government engagement in EPR programs is paramount to continuing the strong legacy of EPR in B.C. The Ministry will continue to engage with local government as staff work towards further strengthening current programs, while beginning to prioritize options for potential program expansion.

Convention Decision