Extended Producer Responsibility Program - Drywall Gypsum

North Okanagan RD

Whereas the Regional District of North Okanagan has diverted over 1500 tonnes of drywall gypsum material per year over the last twelve years; And whereas recycling companies will no longer accept waste drywall gypsum due to Work Safe BC concerns with asbestos content, causing significant operational issues at Recycling and Disposal Facilities; And whereas the British Columbia Recycling Regulation requires producers to be responsible for end of life of their products: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the Ministry of Environment Climate Change Strategy amend the British Columbia Recycling Regulation to include drywall gypsum, under a new schedule called Construction and Demolition Materials.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy B.C. is proud to be a leader in North America with more Extended Producer Responsibility EPR programs with higher capture rates than any other North American jurisdiction. The Ministry has been focused on pursuing continuous improvement with our 22 existing EPR programs and will consider expanding B.C.s EPR programs as part of our commitment to the Canadian Council of Ministers of Environment Canada-Wide Action Plan for Extended Producer Responsibility. Construction and demolition materials, including gypsum, are identified in the CAP-EPR as materials to be considered for inclusion in the future. Should the Ministry go forward with expansion, an Intentions Paper process will take place to ensure input from all stakeholders and Indigenous peoples is received. Local government engagement in EPR is paramount to the programs success. The Ministry will continue to engage with local governments as we work to enhance EPR in B.C.

Convention Decision