BC Transit Expansion Funding Certainty

Sunshine Coast RD

Whereas the current Annual Operating Agreements AOA between BC Transit and local governments provide for base service levels that are equal to the previous year but do not reflect agreed upon expanded transit service levels; And whereas local governments are expected to authorize future commitments for transit expansion which are subject to cost increases at the discretion of BC Transit: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urge the provincial government to provide a rolling 3-year funding commitment to BC Transit in order to provide and secure longer term funding assurances necessary for local governments to adequately budget and plan for transit expansion beyond the current year.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Transportation Infrastructure The Province provides BC Transit communities with the highest per capita level of provincial contributions towards transit operating costs in Canadaabout double the national average. Since 200708, the Province has provided nearly 1.2 billion in operating and capital funding to BC Transit, which has increased transit service by 33 over that 10-year period. The Province is committed to working with BC Transit along with our local government partners to fund transit improvements throughout the provincefor both conventional and handyDART services. The Province is providing 7.6 million in new funding to BC Transit in 201718 and 201819 to expand conventional, custom handyDART, and paratransit services. This will allow for a roughly 6 increase in overall transit service levels by the end of the Service Plan period. The Province acknowledges the benefits that longer-term funding assurances provide in terms of a local governments ability to plan and budget for transit expansion, and will continue to look at options for how funding agreements could be structured with BC Transit.

Convention Decision