Resale of Electricity for Electric Vehicle Charging

Metro Vancouver

Whereas the BC Climate Leadership Plan has a stated goal of supporting vehicle charging development for zero emission vehicles to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and lack of access to electric vehicle EV charging, especially in stratified dwellings, is an impediment to EV uptake; And whereas exclusions from the definition of a public utility under the BC Utilities Commission Act include a person providing a service or commodity to tenants, but are silent regarding strata corporations and its resident members; And whereas processes for exemptions from provisions of the BC Utilities Commission Act discourage small-scale for-profit resale of electricity for the purpose of electric vehicle charging: Therefore be it resolved that the Province of British Columbia amend the Utilities Commission Act, before the end of 2018, to specifically exclude from the definition of a public utility a strata corporation providing services to its members, and exclude from the definition of a public utility a small-scale reseller of electricity at profit for the purpose of electric vehicle charging in public and private settings; and, in both of the aforementioned cases, exempt the reporting requirements currently set out in Section 71 of the Act.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Energy, Mines Petroleum Resources As part of the PanCanadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change, Canada, provinces and territories committed to developing a Zero Emission Vehicle Strategy by 2018. Under this strategy, infrastructure will be an important component of the strategy. Many provinces have identified the resale of electricity as a barrier to developing the charging infrastructure. Ministry staff are undertaking work on this issue, to identify the types of legislative andor regulatory change that would be required if government were to proceed to enable an exemption from the public utility definition or changing the definition of a public utility to exclude the reselling of electricity for specific purposes. Work to date has also included discussions with staff from the BC Utilities Commission and regulated utilities.

Convention Decision