Restoration of Previous Provincial Funding Levels for Public Libraries

Powell River City

Whereas the Ministry of Education, Library Branch completed the Inspiring Libraries, Connecting Communities vision and strategic plan which: focuses on enabling libraries to deliver the connected and innovative services, programs, and information resources that British Columbians need now and will need in the future. The vision also recognizes the important role libraries play in enabling equitable access to information. People will have access to the information they need regardless of who they are or because of any physical or geographical barriers; And whereas the Province recognizes that public libraries play a key role in welcoming newcomers and job seekers in British Columbia, and provides British Columbians with access to the information and tools they need to learn, work, create and thrive in todays changing world in safe, open spaces for people of all ages and backgrounds; And whereas provincial funding for public libraries has decreased from 21 per cent of total revenue in 1986 to five per cent of total revenue in 2016; And whereas in order for public libraries in British Columbia to remain current, relevant and accessible to all, municipalities and regional districts have had to increase contributions while their capacity to continue to do so is severely limited and tenuous: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM call upon the provincial government to restore funding for the public library system to a level of 21 per cent of the core annual budget required to operate the British Columbia Public Library System in an efficient, effective and equitable manner.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Education Public libraries are a key partner in the delivery of quality and innovative public library services across BC. Communities benefit from direct funding to public libraries and support for province-wide shared services, which increases access to programs and materials for citizens. The Ministry is currently engaged with the library community to deliver its vision and strategic plan: Inspiring Libraries, Connecting Communities released November 2016. In year one of this three year plan, we focused on improving access to digital resources and building the capacity of libraries to deliver enhanced public library services and programs. The Ministry recognizes the cost of delivering library services has increased with changing technology and other demands. As such, the public library funding framework is being examined within the context of the vision and strategic plan.

Convention Decision