Public Transportation


Whereas many rural communities in northern British Columbia do not have public transit; And whereas the absence of public transportation in these rural communities places them at a distinct disadvantage as their citizens have no opportunity to use public transportation within or between communities: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Province of BC implement a public transportation strategy and establish solutions leading to the sustainability of public transit in all rural communities.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Transportation Infrastructure BC Transit has partnered with 59 local governments to provide services in over 130 communities. BC communities with populations of 10,000 or more have BC Transit service. BC Transit has been working with local governments throughout the province to develop Transit Future Plans. In 201718 more than 25 communities and regional districts will expand transit services with support from the Province. In 201819, transit service will be expanded in 20 BC communities and regional districts. The Province has committed funding for increased transit service and facilities through fiscal 201920. The Province is committed to working with our local government partners along with BC Transit and the Federal Government to ensure rural transit needs are being addressed and fund transit improvements throughout the province. The Province will also work with BC Transit, the Federal Government, and local governments to fund transit improvements across the province, including improving HandyDART service. The distances between rural communities present unique transit challenges. The newly established BC Transit services along Highway 16 is an example of how transit can be enhanced to connect rural communities. This new service is being closely monitored which will help inform any future rural transit services.

Convention Decision