Wind Turbine Siting on Crown Land

Peace River RD

Whereas the placement of wind turbines on Crown land that is adjacent to private property has effects on the private property and its owners; And whereas the private property owners and other stakeholders such as local government expect proper consultation regarding placement and permitting of any large projects affecting them and their right to private enjoyment of their properties: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM call on the provincial government to require that local government land use regulations apply to all small scale energy generation projects, including wind energy projects, regardless of their location on public or private property to ensure proper consultation with affected landowners and local governments takes place in advance of construction of wind energy projects in the province.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations Rural Development The Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development sends referrals to local government on all new wind power applications located on Crown land and provides an opportunity for input on the proposal. Applicants for new wind power tenures located on Crown land are required to advertise in local newspapers to solicit public feedback, which is reviewed by the Ministry. Project developers are required to adhere to local government bylaws and zoning.

Convention Decision