Province-wide Rat Reduction Strategy

West Kelowna

Whereas in recent years, the Province of BC has seen an increase in the population and distribution of rats for which no provincial strategy exists; And whereas rat infestations lead to damage to buildings, electrical wiring and stored food supplies and rats carry diseases that could be transmitted to humans: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM call on the Ministry of Environment to develop and fund a strategy to reduce andor control the rat population in BC.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment Climate Change Strategy Rats Black Rats, Rattus rattus and Norway Rats, Rattus norvegicus have been present in BC since the mid to late 1800s. They are well established, particularly in the Lower Mainland, Vancouver Island and Gulf Islands, but are also present in other areas including the Southern Interior. Black Rats in particular appear to have become established in Kelowna and surrounding areas over the past 2-5 years. The cause for recent increases is not known, but could be a normal population cycle or related to a generally milder climate. Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy staff are involved in the Inter-Ministry Invasive Species Working Group IMISWG, which coordinates the delivery of invasive species programs for the Province. Given the extent and abundance of rat populations in BC, provincial-scale control programs would be cost-prohibitive and unlikely to succeed. However, there may be opportunities for the IMISWG to assist local governments in raising awareness about rats and options for their management, and this issue will be referred to the Working Group. Control programs may have some local effect and there are a number of things landowners can do to reduce the impact of rats. Preventative measures such as removing sources of food, water and shelter may reduce populations. Rats can be controlled with live or snap traps, or by using a professional pest control company. More information can be found on our website:…

Convention Decision