Emergency Recovery Costs

Squamish-Lillooet RD

Whereas the cost of recovering from emergencies is a hardship experienced by many small communities and rural areas; And whereas pursuant to the Emergency Program Acts Compensation and Disaster Financial Assistance Regulation, the current cost-sharing percentage split for emergency recovery costs, being 80 for the Province and 20 for local governments, contributes to the financial component of the hardship: Therefore be it resolved that the Province increase its share of emergency recovery costs, so that the Province is responsible for 90 and local governments are responsible for 10 of emergency recovery costs.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety Solicitor General The Province of British Columbia supports local governments in response funding at 100 and recovery at 80 for actual and imminent emergencies and disasters where Disaster Financial Assistance DFA has been approved. The Province has increased funding available to reduce disaster risk through mitigation funding programs. Since 2007, the Province has paid local governments over 20 million in DFA to assist communities in their recovery from disasters. While this cost-sharing model encourages local governments to invest in disaster mitigation and prevention, in light of the freshet and wildfire events of 2017, the Province has initiated a series of reviews both at the provincial and organizational levels that will include an exploration of whether the funding formula, as currently structured, is appropriate.

Convention Decision