Whereas illegal dumping is a significant issue affecting all areas of British Columbia; And whereas the illegal dumping of construction or demolition waste in forested or wilderness areas warrants a more effective and comprehensive approach by the Province than what currently exists: Therefore be it resolved that the Province develop and implement an extended producer responsibility program regarding the disposal of drywall or gypsum board and given the impacts of illegal dumping on the environment as well as on human health of pre-1990 drywall or gypsum board, do so on a fast-tracking basis; And be it further resolved that the Province provide assistance to local governments with respect to the disposal of pre-1990 drywallgypsum board and other building materials which contain asbestos through measures such as: -Providing subsidies towards the costs of transporting hazardous waste to authorized landfills, resulting in lower tipping fees and possibly removing, or reducing, what some residents may perceive as an incentive to engage in illegal dumping activities; -Increased enforcement activity by ministries and agencies having jurisdiction over illegal dumping; -Implementing legal surveillance techniques; and -Education and public awareness campaigns.
Ministry of Environment Climate Change Strategy The Province has recently established a cross-ministry asbestos working group, including the Ministries of Labour, Environment and Climate Action Strategy, Health, Municipal Affairs and Housing, and WorkSafe BC, to ensure British Columbians are adequately protected from the dangers of asbestos. In Fall 2017, the working group engaged in consultation with stakeholders and organizations and sought additional ideas regarding the safe management of asbestos. After years of rapid expansion of Extended Producer Responsibility EPR programs in BC, the Ministry of Environment and Climate Action Strategy is currently focusing on program implementation and continuous improvement of its existing EPR programs before further considering new programs. This initiative will not only serve existing programs well, but will provide a sound basis for inclusion of any new product categories e.g. gypsum in the future. BC is a recognized leader for EPR programs in North America with the most extensive series of established programs operating in a well-respected, results-based framework. The Ministry intends to continue to be a leader and expand BCs EPR programs as part of our commitment to the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment Canada-Wide Action Plan for Extended Producer Responsibility CAP-EPR. Construction and demolition materials are identified in the CAP-EPR as priority materials to be considered for inclusion under an EPR framework. Local government engagement in EPR is paramount to the programs success. The Ministry will continue to engage with local government staff as we work to enhance EPR in BC. In the meantime, several local governments have initiated low-cost, practical measures to address the concerns raised with asbestos-laden andor illegally disposed of gypsum. Please do not hesitate to contact the Mount Waddington Regional District, the Regional District of Nanaimo or Ministry staff for further information.