Health Services Planning


Whereas the social determinants of health include housing, transportation, and built environment, which are directly influenced by local government decision making; And whereas there is no mandated direct process for coordination of integrated planning between health authorities and local government: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM petition the provincial government to establish formal mechanisms for including local government consultation in health services planning by health authorities.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Health Every year, the Ministry provides health authorities with their capital funding budget for the current fiscal year, as well as notional capital funding targets for the next three fiscal years. All health authorities are expected to consult with local communities when planning new services andor changes to services. In addition, health authorities are working to improve community engagement in the design and planning of health services. Since 2013, health authorities have established a number of linkages with local governments. Island Health reorganized its operational and accountability structures to facilitate stronger relationships and decision making closer to the community level. Island Health continues to foster those relationships with local governments and stakeholder groups to improve engagement, consultation and to enable input on key initiatives. Island Health continues to engage local governments with respect to many of their public health initiatives and planning including Healthy Living Strategy Plans, Health Protection and Environmental Services, and Healthy Built Environment. Fraser Healths CEO and Chair of the Board of Directors meet bi-annually with mayors or their appointed representatives. These meetings provide a forum for exchanging health care information between municipal leaders and Fraser Health to enable discussion on issues of mutual interest that will assist Fraser Health and the municipalities in planning. Interior Health IH has also created a centralized Healthy Built Environment service that works with local governments to provide a health lens to their current and long-term planning documents. This is a service that is offered to all communities. Community Liaisons are identified IH representatives across the health authority, that serve as a primary connection with elected officials and other key stakeholders through ongoing communication and community organization. Community Liaisons are responsible for guiding discussions that foster collaboration and transparency when there is potential impact to operations in a particular community or region.

Convention Decision