Non-tenured Value-added Wood Processors

North Cowichan

Whereas British Columbias non-tenured value-added wood processors find it increasingly difficult to access a share of public wood resources for further processing in British Columbia due to the consolidation and control of the non-competitive harvest into very few hands; And whereas British Columbias non-tenured value-added wood processors have had their access to the US market impeded by the dispute between the US Lumber Coalition and the tenured companies that have exclusive access to BCs non-competitive and administratively-priced wood resource: Therefore be it resolved that the Province of British Columbia be requested to take whatever steps are necessary to ensure that BCs non-tenured value-added wood processors have access to a share of BCs non-competitive wood resource for the purpose of processing it in BC and that BCs non-tenured value-added wood processors have unimpeded access to the US market for their products; And be it further resolved that in the event of a quota based Softwood Lumber Agreement with the United States that the Province of British Columbia allocate quota in such a way that it does not impede the survival and growth of BCs non-tenured value added wood processors.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations Rural Development The Province recognizes the benefits, jobs and economic activity that value-added wood processors bring to their communitiesmany of them rural. We are committed to reinvigorating BCs forest sector and to having a forest industry that works for all British Columbians. We will continue to fight for British Columbians and British Columbian jobs. We will continue to work closely with the Federal Government on pursuing a managed trade agreement with the U.S. on softwood lumber. Related to value-added, high-value, and non-tenured companies, BC has argued for special treatment in the softwood lumber dispute. In particular, BC has argued that cedar and high-value products be excluded from the dispute, and that a company exclusion process that recognizes the unique features of lumber remanufacturers without tenure be implemented.

Convention Decision