Protection of Old-growth Forests


Whereas old-growth forest is increasingly rare on Vancouver Island, and is gone for centuries once logged; And whereas old-growth forest has significant economic, social and environmental value as wildlife habitat, tourism resource, carbon sink and much more; And whereas current plans on provincial Crown land call for logging the remaining old-growth forest, outside of protected areas, Old-Growth Management Areas, and similar reserves, over the next 10-20 years: Therefore be it resolved that the old-growth forest on provincial Crown Land on Vancouver Island be protected from logging; And be it further resolved that UBCM send a letter to the provincial governmentMinister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operationsas well as relevant government organizations requesting that the Vancouver Island Land Use Plan be amended to protect all of Vancouver Islands remaining old growth forest on provincial Crown land.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations The provinces old growth forests, including those on Vancouver Island, are managed for a multitude of resource values. There is approximately 1.9 million hectares of Crown forest land on Vancouver Island, and over 840,000 hectares of that is considered old-growth. Over half of those old growth forests will never be logged. The Vancouver Island Land Use Plan designated areas for protection and areas suitable for resource development, including forestry. Over 13 of Vancouver Islands land base is fully protected from development. The Province sets aside old growth forest areas in recognition of their biodiversity values, including providing habitat for wildlife. The Province targets protection of old growth forests in each landscape unit. In addition to parks and protected areas, old growth forests are protected through old growth management areas, wildlife habitat areas, and ungulate winter ranges. Some Vancouver Island communities value old growth forests for their tourism values, and in 2012, the Province specifically established an old growth management area for Avatar Grove near Port Renfrew.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended