Federal Marijuana Tax Fund

Prince George

Whereas BC local governments bear the financial burden of federal government policy approaches that emphasize enforcement of marijuana prohibition, consume significant portions of municipal budgets and that divert law enforcement attention away from criminal activities where police involvement can better improve community safety; And whereas UBCM in the past has endorsed a resolution calling on other orders of government to research the regulation and taxation of marijuana that could provide funding to local government as a revenue source for police activities related to community safety and drug law enforcement; And whereas UBCM has reviewed possible taxation models and suggested a model similar to that of the Gas Tax Fund, which would create a new revenue source for local government and that would be established within federal legislation; And whereas the federal government has indicated that it plans to consult with Canadians in 2016 and to introduce new marijuana legislation in 2017: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urge the Government of BC to request the federal government include local government as part of the marijuana taxation equation through the establishment of a federal marijuana tax that would provide revenue that would be shared with local governments across the province.

Convention Decision
Not Admitted for Debate