Mandatory Certification and Licensing of Asbestos and Hazardous Material Removal Contractors


Whereas asbestos exposure is the leading cause of work related deaths in BC; And whereas WorkSafe BC, the provincial agency charged with ensuring safety for workers, found 43 percent of all hazardous material surveys done by contractors renovating or demolishing homes were inadequate but WorkSafe BC lacks the tools for enforcement and monitoring of existing hazardous material regulations; And whereas there is currently no provincial certification or licensing in BC of asbestos abatement professionals to ensure standards and allow for the suspension of non-compliant contractors; And whereas mandatory provincial certification and licensing of demolition and environmental remediation contractors would allow local governments in BC require these licenses from contractors as a condition for issuing demolition and renovation permits: Therefore be it resolved that the provincial government require mandatory licensing, certification and enforceable compliance in safely handling asbestos and other hazardous material for all demolition, renovation and environmental remediation contractors.

Convention Decision
Not Admitted for Debate