Aquifer Water Source Protection


Whereas there are many communities with highly sensitive, vulnerable aquifers and waterbodies that may be negatively impacted from intensive farming and other uses; And whereas protecting our existing and future water sources are of the utmost importance: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the provincial government to require mandatory environmental farm plans, including soil testing and that communities be allowed to limit uses in areas with sensitive vulnerable aquifers and waterbodies.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment There are a number of changes that the Province is considering as part of the Agricultural Waste Control Regulation AWCR review that support this resolution. In addition, the Ministry of Environment retains the ability to issue orders under the Environmental Management Act. As part of the AWCR review, the Ministry has been consulting with an agriculture industry working group consisting of industry sector representatives, the BC Agriculture Council and the Ministry of Agriculture. Responses to the 2nd AWCR Policy Intentions Paper were posted for public comment in July 2015, and the results have informed development of the proposed final policy. The main issues being addressed through this policy review are groundwater and surface water quality, air quality and cumulative impacts from agricultural activities. The proposed policies will address nutrient management and land applications to better utilize nutrients and minimize risk of leaching and runoff, as well as ensure the regulation is consistent with other jurisdictions. The proposed changes to the regulation would implement risk-based approaches for the storage and management of agricultural waste and by-products. These approaches include proposed new rules for: setbacks, storage, land application and nutrient management, composting, managing mortalities, use of wood waste and livestock access to water. The proposed changes include the designation of high risk areas, which would include highly vulnerable aquifers such as the Hullcar Aquifer and areas that are sensitive to phosphorus loading such as the Okanagan Basin. In high risk areas, agricultural operations would generally be subject to more stringent requirements to ensure protection of human health and the environment.

Convention Decision