Review of Professional Reliance Model

Cowichan Valley RD

Whereas the provincial government is increasingly utilizing professional reliance regimes where industry proponents employ professionals to meet the public interest in natural resource management and environmental protection associated with their projects; And whereas recent reports and audits suggest serious deficiencies in monitoring and compliance on the part of qualified professionals and a lack of oversight on the part of provincial regulating agencies: Therefore be it resolved that the Province assess the effectiveness of current professional reliance regimes in order to reduce potential for conflicts of interest, ensure appropriate checks and balances, improve environmental performance and restore government approval authority where necessary.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment The professional reliance model in use was developed with great care to ensure that the accredited professionals work to, and are held accountable to, the same standards and under the same legislative and regulatory regime as provincial government employees. A framework for the use of qualified persons can be found at:… The Province takes the oversight of the models effectiveness very seriously and has standardized processes in place to ensure that professionals recommendations and actions meet all desired outcomes of related legislation and regulations. Reviews resulting in recommendations for changes are an indication of the robustness of the oversight process. Qualified professionals are relied upon by both industry and the Province to prepare technical analyses and recommendations in support of environmental and resource management. Any expansion of the use of qualified persons would be based on a thorough analysis of best practices and lessons learned from existing, successful models. It would include extensive consultation with stakeholders, particularly the related professional associations to foster and promote professional reliance and appropriate professional practice both internal and external to government.

Convention Decision