Equitable and Gradual Police Funding Model


Whereas the current model of police services for emergent municipalities 5,000 population threshold creates a sharp increase in costs to taxpayers that go from paying a nominal amount towards front-line police services to paying 70 or more of policing costs; And whereas unincorporated areas with populations over the 5,000 threshold pay only the provincial police tax which is perceived as inequitable by municipalities and their taxpayers: Therefore be it resolved that the current model of funding police services for emergent municipalities be reviewed with consideration given to an incremental increase based on gradual population growth.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General The BC Policing and Community Safety Plan BCPP was released in 2013 after extensive citizen engagement and stakeholder consultation. That consultation included a focus group session with the UBCM Local Government Contract Management Committee regarding police financing among other topics. One of the key recurring themes identified through this process was that policing in BC should be structured, governed, and funded in a rational and equitable manner. To explore that theme further, the Policing and Security Branch established an Expert Committee on Police Structure and Funding that included UBCM representation, along with police, police union, police boards, First Nations policing, and other representatives. The advice of that committee is informing current policy work.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended