Shelf Ready Design Documents


Whereas when small communities apply for grant funding related to larger projects detailed design documents are required; And whereas the cost and resources of having these documents available and ready for a small community is difficult to achieve in a timely manner: Therefore be it resolved that shelf ready design documents from other small communities should be allowed to be used to form part of the grant application.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development Design or planning documents of some form are required for an application to infrastructure funding programs in order to support the local governments request. Project scope and project costs are key components to the application process and are informed by the planning and design work undertaken by the local government. Feasibility studies are usually the document identified as the required document. Note that detailed design work is often an eligible cost under infrastructure funding programs. Local governments should proceed with caution if choosing to use another communitys design documents as it may not adequately address circumstances that are unique to the local situation. Project scope andor cost changes that occur after program decision can impact the effective implementation of the project. Sharing knowledge, techniques and lessons learned can be valuable and inform the local approach to determining the solution through the planning and design stages of a project. The Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Developments Infrastructure Planning Grant Program is available to support local governments in undertaking the planning and developing the studies that provide the necessary information for an application to a capital infrastructure funding program.

Convention Decision