Legislation and Action for a Barrier-free BC


Whereas British Columbians with disabilities encounter a variety of physical, sensory and technological barriers as well as ones related to communication, education, employment, attitudes and many others on a daily basis; And whereas the Government of British Columbia launched a non-mandatory, non-legislated initiative entitled Accessibility 2024 in 2014 with the goal of making BC the most progressive province in Canada for people with disabilities by the year 2024; And whereas both the Province of Ontario and the Province of Manitoba have enacted disability legislation with the Province of Nova Scotia working toward the introduction and enactment of disability legislation in 2016: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM believes it is important to achieve a barrier-free province for all persons with disabilities and calls upon BCs Legislative Assembly to enact a strong and effective British Columbians with Disabilities Act.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Social Development and Social Innovation Accessibility 2024 was released by the Premier in June 2014 and is a 10-year action plan focused on making BC the most progressive province in Canada for people with disabilities by 2024. In Accessibility 2024, our government has committed to consulting on options for a made-in-BC approach to accessibility-related legislation. Any consultation around BC accessibility legislation would be done with the participation of local governments, the disability community, the business community and other British Columbians. In June, the Federal Government initiated an engagement process with provinces, territories, municipalities, stakeholders and the public to consult on national accessibility consultation, and our government will be working very closely with our federal counterparts to support this process. We want to ensure we build on those conversations and look forward to working with the federal government in their national consultation.

Convention Decision