Education Funding


Whereas many municipalities in the Province of BC are facing school closures, amalgamation, or both; And whereas such closures can have significant impact on the economic and social wellbeing of municipalities experiencing school closures: Therefore be it resolved that the Ministry of Education and the Province be urged to investigate the adequacy of funding for education and actively engage in the public consultation process that is required before schools are closed in the province.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Education Government appreciates the tough decisions that School Boards need to make regarding school closures and amalgamation; and understanding parents concerns about the possibility of their school closing. However, amalgamated schools operating closer to capacity can offer more and better programs for students, directing resources into services for students. Government recognizes the unique challenges faced in keeping schools open in rural communities and announced in June 2016 the ongoing Rural Education Enhancement Fund to help keep rural schools open. Schools that qualify for the Fund receive ongoing funding and are not required to apply to the program again. In addition, Government has announced the appointment of a parliamentary secretary for rural education, who is tasked with conducting a full study of rural education funding in the province to seek a long-term solution with a focus on sustainable and predictable funding for rural schools. Ministry staff will work with the parliamentary secretary to look at how the unique community and economic role of rural schools is supported in how school districts are funded. The parliamentary secretary has established a Rural Schools Working Group, including representatives from K-12 partner organizations, and will engage with school district trustees and staff about the challenges they are facing. The decision to close individual schools resides with the local School Board, each of whom will have their own local policies and consultation process for example: http:www.vsb.bc.cadistrict-policyfl-r-school-closures-formerly-retireme…. This power is given to them in the School Act, Section 73 and Ministerial Order 19408.

Convention Decision