Obtaining Land from Province Below Market Value to Financially Depressed Areas


Whereas many communities in the northern part of British Columbia have suffered financial hardship due to the closure of mines and logging operations; And whereas local governments need to diversify their economies and encourage businesses to locate within their communities; And whereas the cost of obtaining land to assist in Economic Development is prohibitive for communities affected by the economic down turn: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the provincial government to assist local governments with economic development by selling Crown land to the local government for substantially less than market value.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations Municipalities can apply to the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations for sponsored Crown land grants. These grants are made available to local governments at no cost. The Province recognizes the critical importance of rural communities. They are the lifeblood of British Columbia and government is committed to working with rural stakeholders and leaders to foster thriving rural communities. We actively market Crown land to developers and commercial users at fair market value and are eager to work with municipalities to identify suitable investment and other land-use opportunities.

Convention Decision