Community Based Agricultural Extension Program

Fraser-Fort George RD

Whereas the agriculture industry in BC is an extremely important economic sector providing strong and independent jobs with good potential for growth but currently lacks agricultural extension services which has been cited as a significant barrier to new, young and existing farmers; And whereas British Columbia has the oldest farmers on average in Canada 56 years and the lowest percentage of farmers under 25 years of age, necessitating the need for training a new generation of farmers to address significant gaps in knowledge and training for those wanting to enter the agriculture sector and for existing farmers: Therefore be it resolved that in support of the Province of British Columbias Jobs Strategy, UBCM call upon the Province to deliver a province-wide community based agricultural extension program to support knowledge enhancement for new, prospective and existing farmers.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Agriculture The Ministry of Agriculture understands we need new farmers, business people, and leaders to ensure a sustainable future in the BC agrifoods sector. We support BC producers and processors, not only for the fresh and healthy foods they provide, but also because the agrifoods industry is a job-creator and an integral part of BCs economy. The Ministry of Agriculture provides farmers with advice, support and expertisewhether that is in starting a farm, running their businesses, or planning for a new generation of farmers to take over when they retire. The Ministrys suite of business management planning services and training resources are highly subscribed. The Sector Development Branch has more than 35 frontline staff who collaborate and provide specialized information and tools to local producers, processors, agricultural associations, local, regional, provincial and federal agencies and other stakeholders across the province. The Ministrys AgriServiceBC website connects farmers and agri-businesses with the people and information they need to help their businesses succeed and grow. The Province employs 16 Regional Agrologists and 19 Specialists including managers that share a common objective of growing a sustainable agrifood sector through development of strategic relationships and sharing of knowledge. Regional Agrologists serve the needs of British Columbias distinct regions and apply their skills at the local level by engaging with local governments and regional industry organizations. Specialists provide commodity- and system-based technical expertise to provincial sectors through industry extension programming, research, and coordination. In addition, the Ministry has just hired a New Entrant Agrologist who will provide even greater support for people aspiring to start a farm or food processing business, or to grow their existing enterprise. The Ministry collaborates closely with a wide range of industry stakeholders to ensure programming and resources are designed to meet the needs of producers and processors in BC. For example, the Ministry works with post-secondary institutions and is supporting the University of the Fraser Valley in development of the new Agriculture Centre of Excellence to ensure the knowledge, expertise and passion that British Columbians have today will be shared with future generations.

Convention Decision