Ban on Single Use Shopping Bags

Cowichan Valley RD

Whereas the use of thin film plastic shopping bags continues to impose a variety of negative impacts on our natural and human environments; And whereas bans have been proven in many countries to be the single most effective method of controlling the volume of plastic bags entering the waste stream and our environment: Therefore be it resolved that the provincial government enact legislation to prohibit the distribution of thin film plastic shopping bags by businesses.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment This shift is intended to incent producers of the products to incorporate environmental considerations into product design, enhance waste diversion and ultimately eliminate waste being generated from their products. B.C.s policy is implemented through the Recycling Regulation the Regulation, which provides a results-based framework for industry-led product stewardship. Multi-Material BC MMBC is a not-for-profit agency representing producers of packaging and printed paper PPP in B.C. MMBC has an approved stewardship plan in place for the collection and management of PPPincluding plastic bagsthat meets the requirement of the Regulation to increase diversion and recycling rates across the province by almost 50 percentfrom 52 percent to 75 percent within five years. As this recycling rate is already being achieved ahead of schedule, it represents a significant improvement in environmental outcomes for B.C. Bylaws banning the saleuse of plastic bags should be considered a means of last resort, as most local government recycling programs through MMBC depots now include film plastics and have been successful in reducing the environmental impacts of plastic bag waste. This is also due to society in general becoming more aware and responsive to the negative impacts of plastic bags, and the local end-of-life management options available.

Convention Decision