Carbon Reduction Targets


Whereas the provincial and federal governments are currently contemplating new carbon reduction targets; And whereas local governments both large and small will play a significant role in achieving those targets: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM and FCM request that the Province of BC and the federal government create a funding mechanism to grant funding to local governments to update carbon emission reduction plans and implementation; And be it further resolved that the funding mechanism be in place to coincide with the governments implementation of carbon emission reduction plans.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development Government recognizes the key role that local governments play in the fight against climate change, and the importance of working in partnership with all levels of governments to find ways to achieve our climate action goals. Since 2008, the provincial Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program CARIP has granted over 39 million to B.C. local governments to help support their efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and work toward Climate Action Charter goals. The renewed Federal Gas Tax Fund, now a permanent fund under federal legislation, will deliver approximately 2.7 billion to B.C. local governments until 2024 for infrastructure and capacity building. In addition, the New Building Canada Fund will result in approximately 1.09 billion in funding for provincial, regional and local infrastructure projects over the same time frame. Both programs encourage project applicants to consider the impacts of climate change, seek innovative solutions and promote sustainable development. The provincial Climate Leadership Plan that was released in August 2016 builds on the work started in 2008, which aimed to develop targeted, coordinated and sector-specific climate action, including in the area of communities and the built environment. The Province will continue to work with BC local governments, the Federal Government and provincial and territorial partners to support implementation of the Climate Leadership Plan and ensure a coordinated approach to climate action.

Convention Decision