Reinstate BC Ferry Service Port Hardy to Bella Coola


Whereas the discontinued ferry route known as the Discovery Coast Route or Route 40 that connected Port Hardy to Bella Coola and other small communities has negatively affected First Nations, tourism operators, associations, communities and destination marketing organizations; And whereas First Nations and rural partners are working to enhance transportation opportunities to the Interior of British Columbia for the betterment of all concerned; And whereas the Mid-Coast BC Ferry Working Group has brought forward A Vision for First Nations and Rural Communities on BCs Central Coast and North Vancouver Island to the Honourable Shirley Bond, Minister of Jobs, Tourism, and Skills Training, the Honourable Todd Stone, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure, the Honourable Coralee Oakes, MLA for Cariboo North and Donna Barnett, MLA for Cariboo Chilcotin; Therefore be it resolved that UBCM support the recommendations from the Mid-Coast BC Ferry Working Group and urge the Province of British Columbia to support the new vision of the Coastal First Nations communities for a two-ferry solution for economic development and job creation.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure The Provincial Government announced on September 6, 2016 the introduction of a new seasonal direct ferry service between Port Hardy and Bella Coola to support Aboriginal tourism and the mid-coast economy. The service is expected to begin by the 2018 summer season. The introduction of a new service between Port Hardy and Bella Coola requires the Province and BC Ferries to amend the Coastal Ferry Services Contract, which outlines the coastal ferry service levels. As this work happens, Government will work with BC Ferries, the Aboriginal Tourism Association of BC AtBC and its partners in the Mid-Coast BC Ferry Working Group, to determine how best to serve the tourism sector and communities of the mid-coast.

Convention Decision