Priority for Construction of Bicycle Lanes

Sunshine Coast RD

Whereas the provision of safe cycling infrastructure is a costly but critical component of improving transportation options; And whereas the construction of bicycle lanes on provincial highways within regional districts would alleviate safety concerns for cyclists, support growth in bicycle tourism and promote alternative transportation options that would reduce local greenhouse gas emissions: Therefore be it resolved that the provincial government review the BC on the Move Transportation Plan to prioritize the construction of new bicycle lanes within regional districts limited by a single highway and where bicycle usage is a prominent form of transportation and economic driver for tourism.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Ministry staff recognizes the importance of providing areas for cyclists to safely operate when biking adjacent to busy highways. The Ministry continues to prioritize the implementation of wider shoulders and bike lanes on highways throughout the province as part of their annual rehabilitation program. In addition to the 220M that the province has provided to support cycling infrastructure since 2001, part of BC on the Move is the Bike BC funding commitment of 6M annually for three years 201516 to 201718. The Ministry encourages municipalities, First Nations, and regional districts to take advantage of this funding opportunity and apply for grants to support the building of bike lanes across the province.

Convention Decision