Independent BC Environmental Review of Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Project


Whereas the current National Energy Board NEB assessment of the Trans Mountain pipeline has proven to be deeply flawed, undemocratic and no longer credible; And whereas the Union of BC Municipalities endorsed resolution LR2 in September 2014 calling on the Environmental Assessment Office of the Province of British Columbia to undertake its own Environmental Assessment process of the Trans Mountain Expansion Project and withdraw from the 2010 Equivalency Agreement with the NEB, but no response has been received to date from the Province: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM affirms its support for UBCM resolution 2014-LR2 calling on the Province of British Columbia to withdraw from the 2010 Equivalency Agreement with the NEB and undertake its own Environmental Assessment process of the Trans Mountain Expansion Project, with meaningful participation by First Nations, local governments and all interested British Columbians.

Convention Decision
Not Admitted for Debate