Whereas the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and the Union of BC Municipalities recognize that homelessness is a national concern requiring long-term solutions; And whereas the 2011 to 2014 Homelessness Partnering Strategy HPS identified sixty-one Designated Communities in Canada, with seven in British Columbia, to be eligible for HPS funding; And whereas despite continued homelessness challenges in many communities across British Columbia, the 2014 to 2019 HPS program renewal did not include a review or update of eligible Designated Communities: Therefore be it resolved that the Union of BC Municipalities urge the federal government to: - Update the Homelessness Partnering Strategy Designated Communities eligibility list to reflect significant homelessness challenges faced by many communities not previously identified as having serious homelessness challenges; and - Amend the funding criteria to consider a broad range of factors including community capacity and the specific needs of individuals who are homeless or at risk of homelessness; And be it further resolved that federal government funding of the Homelessness Partnering Strategy be increased to take into account new communities added to the program.
FCM Resolution was adopted by the FCM membership at the FCM 2016 Annual Conference.