Geographic Scope of Environmental Impact Assessments


WHEREAS environmental impact assessments are undertaken for major infrastructure projects in accordance with the BC Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act; AND WHEREAS the impacts of a project may extend well beyond the geographic footprint of the project; AND WHEREAS this is particularly true for port developments where road, rail and shipping impacts may affect communities that are geographically distant from the marine terminal: Therefore be it resolved that the BC government be requested to ensure that the scope of environmental impact assessments for major infrastructure projects includes the wider community and environmental impacts associated with increased road, rail and marine traffic so that a range of mitigation options can be assessed, including the development of inland port facilities.

Provincial Response

Environmental Assessment Office For each proposed project subject to an environmental assessment EA, the Environmental Assessment Office EAO sets out the scope of the EA that is appropriate to that particular project. This includes consideration of potential effects beyond the project footprint, such as increased traffic related to the proposed project. In making the decision on what infrastructure or activities to include in an EA, EAO considers factors such as: - the potential magnitude, extent, duration, and frequency of environmental, social, health, heritage or economic effects that could be caused by the proposed project; - whether there are existing regulatory regimes that adequately address those effects, and; - the provinces jurisdiction to address potential effects, including cumulative effects. To inform this decision, EAO may also seek feedback from the advisory working group for the project, most often comprised of provincial, local, Aboriginal and federal government representatives.

Convention Decision