Candidates for Local Government Elections to Run in One Jurisdiction Only

View Royal

WHEREAS the simultaneous running for local government office by a candidate in multiple jurisdictions makes a mockery of the election process; AND WHEREAS there is currently no mechanism in local government elections-related legislation to prohibit the simultaneous running for local government office by a candidate in multiple jurisdictions: Therefore be it resolved that the Province of British Columbia be requested to amend Part 3 of the Local Government Act to add a prohibition on the simultaneous running for local government office by a candidate in multiple jurisdictions.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Community, Sport Cultural Development The Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development recognizes there is a concern for candidates running for office in multiple jurisdictions. In B.C. there have never been restrictions that would limit people from running or holding office in more than one jurisdiction. In fact, in smaller jurisdictions it is not uncommon for a councilor to also be a school board trustee as these are considered separate governments. To date, the issue is an anomaly: only one candidate ran in 13 jurisdictions in the 2014 general local election. The Ministry will continue to monitor the issues regarding candidates running in multiple jurisdictions.

Convention Decision