Rape Culture in Canada

NCLGA Executive

Whereas sexual assaults continue to be committed across Canada, and victims are of every age, race, income and gender; And whereas sexual assaults are under-reported, and prosecution and conviction rates are low: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM advocate for an intergovernmental task force to be convened to determine the steps needed to erase the rape culture that is pervasive in schools, universities, workplaces and elsewhere across Canada; And be it further resolved that the task force be mandated to elicit testimony from victims in order to determine the steps needed to improve the reporting, arrest and conviction rates across Canada; And be it further resolved that the task force be mandated to determine the steps needed to improve the reporting, arrest and conviction rates across Canada.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety Solicitor General Government takes the issue of violence against women very seriously. In February 2015, we released the Vision for a Violence Free BC VFBC strategy, which combines immediate actions with a long-term vision for ending all forms of violence against women, including sexual violence. A cross-government leadership committee, chaired by the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General, has been established to ensure that the objectives of VFBC are achieved. A number of actions in VFBC focus on the issue of sexual violence, such as: - Work with post-secondary institutions to explore best practices and approaches to better prevent and respond to the issue of sexual violence. - Ensure every hospital in BC has a protocol in place to support local care and response to cases of sexual violence. - Develop a provincial sexual assault policy. Some of the actions seek to prevent sexual violence by shifting the attitudes and behaviours that perpetuate it, while other focus on strengthening and better coordinating system responses to sexual assault. Work is already underway on many of these actions. The governments 20152016 applications process for civil forfeiture grant funding includes two streams focused on developing or enhancing responses to sexual assault.

Federal Response

Minister of Status of Women Violence against women and girls continues to be a reality for far too many Canadians, and this is unacceptable. Our Government has made it clear that preventing and addressing violence against women and girls is a priority and is committed to taking the necessary steps to address this issue. To support that commitment, I have been mandated to develop and implement a federal gender violence strategy and action plan, aligned with existing provincial and territorial strategies. I will also support the Ministers of Infrastructure and Communities and of Indigenous and Northern Affairs in ensuring that no one fleeing domestic violence is left without a place to turn by growing and maintaining Canadas network of shelters and transition houses.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended