Reforestation of Productive Agricultural Land

Bulkley-Nechako RD

WHEREAS the maintenance of a sustainable and vibrant agricultural sector is critically important to the provinces economic, social, and sustainable future; AND WHEREAS the loss of productive agricultural lands to tree planting by companies seeking to offset their corporate carbon emissions is an unsustainable practice which threatens the long term health and viability of the agricultural sector in the province: Therefore be it resolved that the Province of British Columbia take action to stop the reforestation of productive agricultural land for carbon offset purposes.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Agriculture The Ministry of Agriculture and the Agricultural Land Commission are in contact with the company. The company is reviewing their program to ensure that it is meeting its objectives and is supported by local communities and stakeholders. The company has decided not to make any new offers to purchase land, or plant trees on their existing land while they are conducting their review. The Ministry of Agriculture is working with the Agriculture Land Commission to identify solutions to prevent this type of activity in the future, and ensure that agriculture land be used to support the primary purpose of food production and continue to support the long term viability of the agriculture sector in the Province.

Convention Decision