Crown Land Public Meetings

Central Kootenay RD

Whereas local governments receive Crown Land Recreational Tenure Application Referrals from the Ministry of Forest Lands and Natural Resource Operations FLNRO and often refer them to advisory planning commissions for advice; And whereas often local governments and advisory planning commissions are not aware of how specific applications may affect adjacent residents; And whereas recreational tenures continue to increase in overlap and intensity adjacent to communities and the newspaper advertisements placed by FLNRO for recreational tenures are difficult for the general public to identify project locations; And whereas the public has a genuine interest both financially and environmentally in the areas adjacent to their communities and residents often request local governments to mediate conflict on issues outside of their jurisdiction pertaining to these applications: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations require applicants for Crown Land Recreational Tenure to hold public meetings in the affected neighbourhoods to ensure residents receive pertinent information and have the opportunity to provide local knowledge to the applicant.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Forests, Lands Natural Resource Operations Adventure tourism is a significant economic driver in this province, employing tens of thousands of people and generating more than a billion dollars of economic activity each year. Its most significant impact is on remote and rural communities, where it helps diversify local economies. Provincial adventure tourism policy applies to commercial recreation and tourism operators and educational institutions who provide outdoor recreation and tourism activities on provincial Crown land, non-profit societies that organize public recreation, and special events on provincial Crown land. Applicants are required to advertise licence of occupation and lease applications. Advertising is generally not required for Temporary Permits for Special Events, but may be required for events with a large number of participants. Advertisements must clearly describe the proposed tenure location, types of activity proposed, and the type of tenure under application. If required, advertising should be consistent with the scale of the proposal and its potential for impacts and conflicts. Based on the scope of the proposed recreation tenure or facility development project, the ministry may also recommend to proponents that a public meeting would be appropriate. Any activities that take place on Crown land within a municipality or regional district must consider local bylaws, regional growth strategies and community plans. In fact, these recreational activities are often designed to support economic and other goals identified in these strategic planning documents.

Convention Decision