Recreation Sites

Burns Lake

WHEREAS provincial recreation sites are frequently over capacity during summer months, and have fallen into disrepair; AND WHEREAS sites are maintained by volunteer groups which are drastically underfunded: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the Province of British Columbia to provide funding for the improvement and maintenance of all provincial recreation sites within British Columbia.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Forests, Lands Natural Resource Operations Since 2006, the Province has made significant investments in upgrades to hundreds of recreation sites across the province. According to user feedback, the conditions and standards at recreation sites across BC are very high. The Province provides more than 8.3 million annually to fund the operations, maintenance and management of recreation sites and trails. Approximately 1 million is leveraged annually for additional investment in recreation sites and trails. An additional 2 million is collected through user fees by recreation sites and trails partners, which directly supports their maintenance activities or is reinvested in sites and trails. Over the past two years, the Province has provided over 30,000, as well as materials and supplies, in direct support to the volunteer organization maintaining sites in the Burns Lake area.

Convention Decision