Representation on Health Authority Boards

North Okanagan RD

WHEREAS the intent of the 1991 Seaton Commission: Closer to Home was to provide greater public scrutiny and control of health care; AND WHEREAS the current governance by appointment has created a managerial form of accountability to the Ministry of Health and not to the local communities, as intended: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Ministry of Health be requested to initiate legislative change to require the composition of health authority boards to include representation from regional districts.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Health The role of the Ministry of Health is to provide stewardship for the health care system through policies, guidelines and ongoing monitoring and evaluation of health authority performance against defined expectations. Within this framework, regional health authorities are responsible for planning, managing and delivering publicly funded health care services in their jurisdictions to the population which they serve. At this time, there are no plans to initiate legislative changes to how British Columbias health authority boards recruit and appoint their members or the compositions of these boards.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended