Elected Officials Coverage Under Workers Compensation Act

Sechelt District

WHEREAS all duly elected council and regional board members are not considered workers or employers and are therefore not covered under the Workers Compensation Act in their capacity as elected officials; AND WHEREAS the Personal Optional Protection Insurance is not available to elected officials; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of British Columbia review the Workers Compensation Act in consultation with local governments and make the necessary amendments to include all duly elected council or board members in the definition of worker.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Jobs, Tourism Skills Training, Minister Responsible for Labour The Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training, Minister Responsible for Labour, is responsible for WorkSafeBC and the Workers Compensation Act, and takes the safety of all workers in British Columbia most seriously. Government and WorkSafeBC have recently taken action to address bullying and harassment in the workplace. Action is also being taken to fully implement all of the recommendations of Gord Macatee, WorkSafeBC Administrator, to improve workplace health and safety in BC, in accordance with his WorkSafeBC Review and Action Plan released in July, 2014. Government and WorkSafeBC recognize the importance of the health and safety of all British Columbians who are active in both the private and public sectors of the economy. Citing the authority of sections 1 and 2 of the Workers Compensation Act, which includes the definition of a worker, the WorkSafeBC Assessment Manual states that elected officials e.g., provincialmunicipal government, school or library boards, etc. are not considered workers or employers under the Act and are therefore not covered under the Workers Compensation Act in their capacity as elected officials. Personal Optional Protection is not available to these individuals. Municipalities do have the option of purchasing insurance coverage for their elected officials from private sector insurance carriers. The Union of British Columbia Municipalities may wish to investigate this option further to determine insurance rates and options for group coverage. Government does not have plans at this time to amend the Workers Compensation Act to provide worker coverage to elected officials.

Convention Decision