Dedicated Ministry for Local Government Affairs

North Saanich

WHEREAS there used to be a dedicated provincial ministry of local government affairs, focused principally on local government affairs; AND WHEREAS the range of issues local governments are required to manage is becoming more complex; other orders of government are devolving more and more responsibilities on to local governments; and the Province has diminished the importance of, and reduced support for local governments by its previous removal of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of British Columbia Municipalities petition the Province to consider the re-establishment of a ministry to focus solely on local government affairs.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Community, Sport Cultural Development The Province of British Columbia appreciates the intent behind a stand-alone Ministry of Local Government. The Province wants to see that local government interests are well represented within the provincial government and that local governments have a single portal to the Province. The Province believes that the current configuration works well because it builds constructive linkages with culture and sports, key components of healthy communities. Local governments can be assured that the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development has strong leadership, capable staff and a plethora of programs all supporting local governments.

Convention Decision