Provincial Woodstove Program

Nanaimo RD

WHEREAS the Provincial Wood Stove Exchange Program is a successful locally delivered program that improves air quality province-wide; supports local, renewable and affordable wood-fuel use; and stimulates small business activity in participating communities; AND WHEREAS the ability of local governments to plan and deliver the Program efficiently and effectively to local residents and small businesses is negatively impacted by uncertainty in the availability and timing of funding: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM request the Province consider providing stable funding to support the Woodstove Exchange Program for a five year period beginning in 2014.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment Since its inception in 2007, over two million dollars have been invested in the Woodstove Exchange Program, resulting in over 6000 wood stove change outs and numerous educational events and outreach products. Participation in the program benefits local communities through reduced pollution, improved air quality and greater community awareness of the importance of clean wood burning. Individuals who participate benefit by receiving an incentive towards the purchase of a cleaner, more efficient appliance to replace an older high polluting appliance. Until recently, the Woodstove Exchange Program has been funded yearly. Unfortunately, due to fiscal restraints, funding for the Woodstove Exchange Program was not available in 2013; however, we are pleased that the program was funded with an additional 200,000 in 2014. The call for proposals went out to communities in BC in September 2014. Information on the program is available at: http:www.bcairquality.catopicswood-stove-exchange-program Future funding for this program, which is a well-established initiative of the Ministry of Environment, will be assessed year by year.

Convention Decision