Liquor Revenue Allocation


WHEREAS the Province of BC is relaxing liquor regulations, which will increase the accessibility of alcoholic beverages; AND WHEREAS it is expected that provincial liquor revenues will increase as a result the easier availability of alcoholic beverages; AND WHEREAS the consumption of alcoholic beverages can have negative health and social impacts, including addiction and social disorder: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM request the Province to allocate a portion of their liquor revenues to fund increased: - resourcing for provincial liquor licence inspectors; - resourcing to alcohol addiction and treatment services; - policing of liquor licensed establishments and liquor related offences; and - late night transit services to reduce drinking and driving offences and late night disorder.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Justice A number of the BC Liquor Policy Review recommendations are aimed specifically at addressing issues associated with alcohol misuse. These include increased public education, requiring training of everyone selling and serving alcohol and stricter enforcement of existing legislation and regulations. The Liquor Control and Licensing Branch takes a risk based approach, directing efforts to areas where we believe there is greatest risk. One of the recommendations in the Liquor Policy Review was that the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch have adequate resources to fulfill its mandate so that inspectors can continue to work closely with police, targeting problem establishments. Revenues from liquor sales contribute to the governments Consolidated Revenue Fund and ultimately help fund vital services for British Columbians. A portion of these funds go directly to help pay for health and social programs.

Convention Decision