Insurance Corporation of British Columbia Fire Insurance

Central Kootenay RD

WHERAS the Union of BC Municipalities endorsed resolution 2013-B141 - a resolution to allow the Insurance Corporation of BC to issue house insurance; AND WHEREAS there is a need to progress quickly with implementation of the resolution: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM urge the Province to allow ICBC to offer house insurance and to implement as soon as possible.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Transportation Infrastructure The Government of British Columbia supports the role of the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia ICBC in providing basic compulsory auto insurance coverage to all motorists in British Columbia. Government has no plans to have ICBC operating in any insurance markets other than automobile insurance. Any concerns about the operations of private sector property insurance companies could be brought to an organization such as the Insurance Council of BC, whose mandate is to provide a level of protection to the public pertaining to the sale of insurance products and services under the framework provided by the Insurance Act.

Convention Decision