
Cariboo RD

WHEREAS vehicle emissions create a public health risk of chronic diseases including cancer as well as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases; AND WHEREAS Idle Free BC supports efforts to reduce unnecessary vehicle idling: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM request the provincial government to increase the focus on health risks in the Idle Free BC initiative and to increase efforts to raise public awareness of this campaign.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment Over the past six years, as part of the Provinces sustainable environmental management, Air Action Plan and climate action directives, BC has actively addressed vehicle idling through several initiatives, including school programs such as HASTe Hub for Active School Travel and Emissions, idle-free signage, public education campaigns in nine communities and public service toolkits and pledges. Other organizations have also contributed to idle-reduction through a range of policies, bylaws, fleet training programs, workshops and procurement policies. In 2013, the Ministry of Environment commissioned an evaluation of idle-reduction programs delivered to date around the province, to help define the need and specific targets for further idle reduction work and provide recommendations for the most effective initiatives to support future endeavors. The report findings are currently being considered. The Province is also supporting further research on the health effects of vehicle emissions. In 2012 a steering committee of provincial, regional, municipal and health agencies contracted a study to look at Traffic Related Air Pollution TRAP exposure mitigation strategies and the roles and opportunities for provincial and local agencies to implement the recommendations. The consultant assessed over 100 strategies in terms of effectiveness at reducing exposure, feasibility and potential to achieve co-benefits. The consultant report was finalized in March, 2013, and was shared with Metro Vancouvers Environment and Parks Committee in September. The steering committee has reviewed and prioritized the recommendations and work to implement strategies for reducing exposure to transportation emissions is ongoing.

Convention Decision