Implementation of Nearly Net-zero Building Regulations

Powell River City

WHEREAS the Province of British Columbia has signed the Pacific Coast Action Plan on Climate Change and Energy, committing to Transform the market for energy efficiency and lead the way to net-zero buildings; AND WHEREAS communities in British Columbia have set climate action targets in order to comply with Climate Action Charter requirements that will require significant gains from the building sector in terms of greenhouse gas emissions targets and are now developing a broad suite of mechanisms to achieve high levels of building energy performance; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of British Columbia draft a plan to get to Nearly Net-Zero buildings with an implementation timeline, suggested incremental improvements to the BC Building Code and an opt-in regulation for local governments.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Natural Gas Development Minister Responsible for Housing The Province of British Columbia has long been a leader and national advocate for improved energy efficiency standards. In 2013, BC was the first jurisdiction in Canada to adopt the new National Energy Code for Buildings and the National Building Code Energy Efficiency requirements for housing and small buildings. We are committed to improvement and ensuring that the construction sector can continue with ongoing improvements so that future changes do not jeopardize affordability. Education and incentives are important factors for the construction sector and this is ongoing work. The Energy Efficiency Branch in the Ministry of Energy and Mines has been working on a roadmap design for new construction in the Province. As well, BC was a part of the Pacific Northwest Economic Regional Executive in July 2014, where it endorsed the goal to develop a net-zerobuilding regulation to help improve the performance of existing buildings.

Convention Decision